
The first step of an ABA intervention is a professional assessment. Assessments help us understand more about your child's strengths, needs, and motivations. It helps us decide what intervention would best suit your child.​

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Assessment is a critical component of ABA interventions. The team at Spectrum Way is trained in several assessment tools, including but not limited to:
Assessment of Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS-R)®
Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment Placement Program (VB-MAPP)®
Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge Relational Training System (PEAK)®
Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS)®
Early Start Denver Model Checklist
Functional Behaviour Assessments
Vineland-3 Adaptive Behaviour Scales®
During the assessment, the child's level of motivation is taken into consideration to optimize their performance and cooperation.
After completion of the assessment, a comprehensive report is provided which indicates the child’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as recommendations for service models. A comprehensive and successful intervention plan is personalized for the individual needs, strengths, and needs of the child to provide the optimal outcome.

Behaviour Consultation
Behaviour Consultation is provided in many formats and typically aims to focus on one or two goals at a time.
Initial sessions are spent on completing an assessment on one or two specific behaviour goals that parents report and consider significant.
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Behavior Consultation

Behaviour consultation can take many forms, such as parent coaching, parent training, staff training for schools and daycares, as well as direct training with clients.
In parent coaching, parents receive guidance on how environmental changes impact behaviour and how they can implement behavioural procedures to support long-lasting and socially significant behaviour change.
Parent training involves hands-on training in which parents implement behavioural procedures in the presence of the Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) / Registered Behaviour Analyst (R.B.A) with their children. During this process, the BCBA demonstrates procedures and provides ongoing feedback to parents. After the assessment, a report is provided on initial observations and assessments outlining the intervention plan and recommendations.
Kindly contact us for any additional information you may require.
Focused ABA Therapy
Focused ABA Therapy is a targeted therapy format designed to address specific behavioural patterns by narrowing in on a few select skills. Due to its highly targeted and precise nature, significant behavioural changes can be achieved in short periods of time.

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Focused ABA Therapy

Focused ABA therapy service is initiated with an assessment of the child’s skill areas that are selected for intervention. The focused ABA therapy includes a focus on the reduction of maladaptive behaviours based on parent reports and initial direct observations by the BCBA/RBA. The BCBA/RBA then provides a comprehensive assessment report and intervention plan. Following the intervention plan the team of well-trained behaviour technicians begins to deliver the program under the supervision of a BCBA/RBA.
Typical Focused ABA Therapy programs start from 6 hours per week and can scale up to 15 hours per week, depending on the child's specific needs.
Kindly contact us for any additional information you may require.

BCBA Supervision
Professional supervision and guidance for those working towards their BCBA credentials from an experienced Board Certified Behavioural Analyst (BCBA) / Registered Behaviour Analyst (R.B.A).

BCBA Supervision

Candidates are provided with a comprehensive supervision curriculum based on BACB Task List 5 for BCBAs. This curriculum is individualized with self-competency evaluations as well as task completion competency evaluations.
Kindly contact us for any additional information you may require.
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Spectrum Way Behaviour Consulting Inc. utilizes Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) intervention for young children with autism between 18 months to 4 years to address developmental delays and promote early skill acquisition
Early Intervention Programs
Spectrum Way Behaviour Consulting Inc. utilizes Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) intervention for young children with autism between 18 months to 4 years to address developmental delays and promote early skill acquisition. ESDM is a Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Intervention (NDBI) and focuses on promoting receptive and expressive communication, imitation, play and social skills as well as cognitive and motor skills. In ESDM, the intervention is provided in naturalistic play-based routines utilizing some of the ABA principles.
Kindly contact us for any additional information you may require.

Early Intervention Programs
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The Secret Agent Society (SAS) Social Skills Program is a comprehensive and engaging initiative designed to empower children with essential social and emotional skills. Tailored for individuals aged 8 to 12, the program utilizes a unique "secret agent" theme to make learning fun and captivating.
Secret Agent Society (SAS) Social Skills Program
Click here for Social Skills Group Flyer (SAS)
The Secret Agent Society (SAS) Social Skills Program is a comprehensive and engaging initiative designed to empower children with essential social and emotional skills. Tailored for individuals aged 8 to 12, the program utilizes a unique "secret agent" theme to make learning fun and captivating.

Secret Agent Society (SAS) Social Skills Program